The Frankenstein Chronicles / episodic

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The Frankenstein Chronicles / episodic

Benjamin Scabell - Digital Compositor
Published by Skaibl in 2015 · 1 January 2015
Tags: episodicvfxGoreNukeScreenSceneVFXListAllLeadArtistAwardwinning
director: benjamin ross
post-production: screen scene
year: 2015
vfx supervisor: Ed Bruce
my part: lead compositor

for this mini  series i was the lead compositor for a couple of cg syphilis wounds  deforming the face of a patient and the main character himself. i also  created the vfx for the electric current later in the series. It  received the 2016 IFTA Award in the category "best vfx".

shots from this project can be seen in my Showreel 2015.

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