Showreels - Benjamin Scabell - Digital Compositor

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Welcome to my list of vfx showreels that I have made over the years.
These six reels cover around 150 projects that I have been involved in between 2003 and 2019.
I have been playing around with the same font and text since 2010 for the intro on purpose.
I thought "maybe one day I can look back and see the progress I've made this way".

Use this as guidance to pick the right one:

For commercial work and logo animations, watch showreels 2007, 2010 and 2012 (the second half).

For feature film and episodic content watch showreels 2012, 2015 and 2019.

For detailled breakdowns of shots to follow my working process, watch showreel 2015.

If you are interested in stereo conversions and my roto skills (since we did the first ones by hand using graded rotos), watch the stereo conversion reel.
Take on your anaglyph glasses, most of it is actually in stereo 3D!

If you want to watch the shortest shot of my entire career, don't blink while watching showreel 2019.
Showreel 2019
my latest reel, stuffed with feature film and episodic content that I worked on as a senior and lead artist. You will find the descriptions of what I exactly did in the credits at the end.
Warning, contains gore.
Showreel 2015
this showreel is stuffed with feature film content and has also plenty of breakdowns, there should be something for everyone in this one. We have full CG work, CG integrational work, matte painting integrations, full 2D comps, some particle systems.
Warning, contains gore.
stereo reel
this stereo reel contains stereo conversions for various feature films that you can actually watch in stereo 3D with anaglyph glasses, and the corresponding depth mattes that I created for the conversions.
Showreel 2012
contains a mix of feature film and episodic content, and a few commercials from my first two years as a freelance artist.
compositing was done exclusively in Nuke from here on.
Showreel 2010
contains plenty of commercial work, some logo animations and my first feature film content.
3D was done in digital fusion, compositing was done in combustion and digital fusion
Showreel 2007
contains student and hobby projects, and my earliest professional work consisting of commercials and logo animations.
3D was done in 3ds max, editing on AVID, compositing in After Effects and Combustion.
My Linkedin Profile
My imdb Profile
My Zerply Profile
Website by Benjamin Scabell, copyright 2007-2023
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